Preserving Your Financial Welfare In Spousal Support Cases
In Ohio, spousal support, referred to as alimony in some states, can be ordered for either spouse. The goal of spousal support is to reduce the financial impact of divorce in cases where the financial resources or needs are uneven among the spouses. However, reaching a fair outcome can be difficult.
At Greco Law, our experienced family law attorneys understand that money is an important aspect of your day-to-day life and sense of security. Throughout divorce and beyond, we can fiercely advocate for your needs.
When Does Spousal Support Apply In Ohio?
The court bases spousal support on a set of 14 different factors, including income and the length of the marriage. A skilled lawyer at Greco Law can explain those factors to you.
Either party can request temporary support while the divorce is in progress. The court may issue a permanent support order as part of the final divorce decree.
Whether you seek to minimize or maximize a potential spousal support award, we can represent your best interests. As in the property division process, our team stays attentive to every opportunity available to protect your financial well-being after divorce.
Spousal Support Orders Might Not Remain Fair
As life changes, finances change, too. Therefore, an existing spousal support order might no longer be fair to both parties. If that is the situation, so long as the court has retained jurisdiction over your spousal support award, you may seek a modification.
When the order is no longer suitable, either party can seek a spousal support modification. Factors such as job loss, remarriage, cohabitation, or the need for extensive medical care could warrant a modification. We can evaluate your circumstances and help you request a modification when necessary.
In addition, we can help you hold the other party accountable for failing to obey an existing order. Until the court modifies an order, both parties must follow its terms exactly. If the other party refuses to pay the specified amount on time, you can work with our attorney to regain fairness through the court.
If Your Ex Is Cohabitating, You May Be Able To Stop Support
In Ohio, the courts consider cohabitation a major change in circumstances. Cohabitation, when someone lives with a partner and shares day-to-day expenses, has a significant impact on a person’s cost of living and substantially increases a person’s ability to achieve financial stability. Because of this, you may be entitled to stop your spousal support payment.
How Cohabitation Impacts Spousal Support Orders
Throughout your initial spousal support discussions, you likely heard about how spousal support is meant to provide a level playing field for spouses as they adapt to life after divorce. This is why working capacity, number of children and other factors matter when determining payments. Cohabitation with another adult is a major life change and means that the courts could consider terminating payments.
Cohabitation is more than dating or having a roommate. It refers to sharing daily expenses and the financial support inherent when you live with a partner. As cohabitation became more prominent in our society, the courts began to recognize the major impact it has on the cohabitator’s finances. This means that the court could consider it grounds for termination. Many agreements build this into their terms, but, if not, a party could still petition for relief and termination, if the Court still holds jurisdiction over the matter of spousal support.
Providing Clear Answers To Your Questions
There are many common misunderstandings and concerns about spousal support. Our effective family law attorneys at Greco Law are ready to discuss your situation in detail and help you resolve any issues.
We offer initial consultations. Call 614-963-9154 or email our office in Dublin to schedule your appointment today.